Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Friend

We all need someone
To talk to in our life,
A friend to whom we run
In times of stress or strife
A friend who's always there
Throughout the years,
A friend we know will care
And take away our fears.
A friend who's always near,
Waiting for our call,
To wipe away our tears,
And lift us when we fall.
A loving friend indeed,
On whom we can depend
To fulfill our every need –
Thank you, precious friend

Feelings So True

You are so much like my mother,
My feelings for you are like no other.
You are a person I will treasure,
Always and Forever.
Poems you taught me to write,
You are the one who showed me the light.
I don't know what I would do,

If in my life, I didn't have you.
To me, you have been so influential,
Keeping things I tell you confidential.
You always seem to touch my soul,
Without you, I wouldn't feel whole.

The Gift Of Friends

There are days when
bubbling from us comes
the innocent child within,
who giggles at the little things
and wears a silly grin.
There are days when
melancholy comes to
visit for a while;
the mind feels tired, the body weak;
we have no strength to smile.
There are days when
joy abundant
grabs a hold of you and me;
wraps us up in all it's splendor,
lifts us up and sets us free.
There are days when
sorrow wraps us
in its cloak of grief and fear,
'till our hearts ache to the breaking,
'till our eyes can't shed a tear.
There are days when
love bestows us
with its wonderment and light;
with its beauty and its mystery,
its power and its might.
And there are days when
life rewards us
and seems to make amends
by granting us a marvelous gift,
the precious gift of Friends.


Growing pains
Broken chains
A sad melody
Falling tears
Listening ears
A friend just for me
Reaching out
Sharing doubt
When life gets me down
Hands to clutch
Gentle touch
Can turn me around

Spoken words
Softly heard
Holding tight
Loving light
Calm serenity

Ode To My True Friend

The day I met you
I found a friend –
And a friendship that
I pray will never end.Your smile - so sweet
And so bright –
Kept me going
When day was as dark as night.
You never ever judged me,
You understood my sorrow.
Then you told me it needn't be that way
And gave me the hope of a better tomorrow.
You were always there for me,
I knew I could count on you.
You gave me advice and encouragement
Whenever I didn't know what to do.
You helped me learn to love myself
You made life seem so good.
You said I can do anything I put my mind to
And suddenly I knew I could.

There were times when we didn't see eye to eye
And there were days when both of us cried.
But even so we made it through:
Our friendship hasn't yet died.
Circumstances have pulled us apart,
We are separated by many miles.
Truly, the only thing that keeps me going
Is my treasured memory of your smile.
This friendship we share
Is so precious to me,
I hope it grows and flourishes
And lasts unto infinity.
You are so extra-special to me
And so this to you I really must tell:
You are my one true friend,
My Guardian Angel.
Our friendship is one-in-a-million
So let's hold on to it and each other.
We cannot let this chance of pure bliss fly away
For there will never be another.
I love you.I will always love you.

A Simple Thank-You, My Friend

Into the dim lit, bare walls of my world,
You entered, bringing light and life to me,
The vivid colors, painted with a swirl
Of wit and charm, of personality,
With tender care, you added comfort, warmth,
And images that line the now bright walls.
I look upon them fondly, bringing forth
A thankfulness that you walk in these halls
With me; our friendship has become a part
Of my world now; it has its special place,
Within my being, life, and in my heart,
Your name hangs right beside your smiling face.
Rememb'ring just how drab these walls had been,
I have to thank you for the light, my friend.

Give All to Love

Give all to love;
Obey thy heart;
Friends, kindred, days,
Estate, good-fame,
Plans, credit, and the Muse,—
Nothing refuse.
'Tis a brave master;
Let it have scope:
Follow it utterly,
Hope beyond hope:
High and more high
It dives into noon,
With wing unspent,
Untold intent;
But it is a God,
Knows its own path
And the outlets of the sky.
It was never for the mean;
It requireth courage stout.
Souls above doubt,
Valor unbending,
It will reward,—
They shall return
More than they were,
And ever ascending.Leave all for love;
Yet, hear me, yet,
One word more thy heart behoved,
One pulse more of firm endeavor,—
Keep thee to-day,
To-morrow, forever,
Free as an Arab
Of thy beloved.
Cling with life to the maid;
But when the surprise,
First vague shadow of surmise
Flits across her bosom young,
Of a joy apart from thee,
Free be she, fancy-free;
Nor thou detain her vesture's hem,
Nor the palest rose she flung
From her summer diadem.
Though thou loved her as thyself,
As a self of purer clay,
Though her parting dims the day,
Stealing grace from all alive;
Heartily know,
When half-gods go,
The gods survive.

First Love

I ne'er was struck before that hour
With love so sudden and so sweet.
Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower
And stole my heart away complete.
My face turned pale, a deadly pale.
My legs refused to walk away,
And when she looked what could I ail
My life and all seemed turned to clay.
And then my blood rushed to my face
And took my eyesight quite away.
The trees and bushes round the place Seemed midnight at noonday.

I could not see a single thing,
Words from my eyes did start.
They spoke as chords do from the string,
And blood burnt round my heart.
Are flowers the winter's choice
Is love's bed always snow
She seemed to hear my silent voice
Not love appeals to know.
I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stood before.
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.

Love In a Dairy

Of all the spots for making love, Give me a shady dairy,With crimson tiles, and blushing smiles From its presiding fairy;The jolly sunbeams peeping in Thro' vine leaves all a-flutter,Like greetings sent from Phoebus to The Goddess of Fresh Butter.
The swallows twittering in the eaves, The air of Summer blowingThro' open door from where a score Of tall rose-trees are growing,A distant file of hollyhocks, A rugged bush of tansy,And nearer yet beside the steps A gorgeous purple pansy;
Suggestive scents of new-mown hay, From lowland meadows coming;The distant ripple of a stream, And drowsy sounds of hummingFrom able-bodied bees that bevy About the morning-glory,Or dawdle pleasantly around The apple-blossoms hoary.
A rosy bloom pervades the spot; And where the shadows darkle,In glittering rows the shining pans Show many a brilliant sparkle.As snowy as my lady's throat, Or classic marble urn,In central floor there proudly stands The scourèd white-wood churn.
And she who reigns o'er churn and pan-- In truth, my friend, between us,My dimpled Chloe is more fair Than Milo's famous Venus.Mark, mark those eyes so arch and dark, Those lips like crimson clover,And ask yourself, as well you may, How I could prove a rover.
Talk not to me of moonlit groves, Of empress, belle, or fairy;To me the fairest love of loves Is Chloe of the Dairy.

In Love

In Love, if Love be Love, if Love be ours,
Faith and unfaith ne’er be equal powers:
Un faith in aught is want of faith in all.

It is the little rift within the lute,
That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.

The little rift within the lover’s lute,
Or little pitted speck in garner’d fruit,
That rotting inward slowly moulders all.

It is not worth the keeping, let it go;
But shall it? Answer, darling, answer, no.
And trust meat all or all in all.

Love Me Little, Love Me Long

Love me little, love me long,
Is the burden of my song.
Love that is too hot or strong
Burneth soon to waste.
Still, I would not have thee cold,
Not too backward, nor too old
Fadeth not in haste.
Love me little, love me long,
Is the burden of my song.

If thou love me too much,
It will not prove as true as touch;
Love me little, more than such,
For I fear the end.
I am with little well content,
Is enough, with true intent
To be steadfast friend.


Set me whereas the sun doth patch the green,
Or wherehis beams do not dissolve the ice;
In temperature heat, where he is felt and seen;
In presence prest of people mad or wise;

Set me in high, or yet in low degree;
In longest night, or in the shortest day;
In clearest sky, or where clouds thickest be;
In lusty youth, or when my hairs are grey;

Set me in heaven, in earth, or else in hell,
In hill or dale, or in the foaming flood;
Thrall, or at large, alive whereso I dwell,
Sick or in health, in evil fame or good,
Hers will I be; and only with this thought
Content myself although my chance be nought.

Suffered For Love Such Woe Have I

Suffered for love such woe Have I, that ask not;
Drunk parting’s poison so Have I, that ask not.

Travelled have I the world And now a charmer
Chosen, so sweet of show Have I, that ask not.

After the dust of that Her door for longing,
Eyes on such wises aflow Have I, that ask not.

With this mine ear, from out Her mouth, yest’ reven,
Such sweet words hearkened, lo! Have I, that ask not.

At me why bite the lip, As saying, “ speak not?”
A ruby bitten, know, Have I, that ask not.

Without thee, in my cell Of beggary suffered
Vexations such, heigho! Have I, that ask not.

An exile in the way Of Love, like Hafiz,
Reached such a stage, I throw, Have I, that ask not.

Love Is More Thicker Than Forget

Love is more thicker than forget
More thinner than recall
More seldom than a wave is wet
More frequent than to fail

It is most mad and moonly
And less it shall unbe
Than all the sea which only
Is deeper than the sea

Love is less always than to win
Less never than alive
Less bigger than the least begin
Less littler than forgive

It is more sane and sunly
And more it cannot die
Than all the sky which only
Is higher than the sky

I Loved You

I loved you; even now I may confess,
Some embers of my love their fire retain;
But do not let it cause you more distress,
I do not want to sadden you again.
Hopeless and tongue-tied, yet I loved you dearly
With pangs the jealous and the timid know;
So tenderly I loved you, so sincerely,
I pray God grant another love you so.

Signs of Love

If amorous faith, a heart of guileless ways,
Soft languors, courteously controlled desire,
And virtuowill, kindled with noble fire,
And lengthened wanderings in a lightless maze;

If thought, which evermore the brow displays,
Or words that faint and brokrnly suspire,
Still checked with fear and shame; if hues no higher
Than the plan violet hath, or; love displays;

If holding some one than one’s self more dear,
If sorrowing and sighing evermore,
If chewing grief, and rage, and many a cross,
Are sign that love consumers me to the core,
Yours, lady, is the fault and mine the loss.

The Wish

I shed tears; my tears – my consolation;
And I am silent; my murmur is dead,
My soul, sunk in a depression’s shade,
Hides in its depths the bitter exultation.
I don’t deplore my passing dream of life –
Vanish in dark, the empty apparition!
I care only for my love’s infliction,
And let me die, but only die in love!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008



可是 天不作美
我看见 好多大哥哥们
他们 把我带到了附近的湖里

有的 清洁得晶莹剔透
有的 肮脏得乌黑无比

因此 我也选择了


总是 匆匆忙忙地与时间赛跑

开始 和朋友们竞争了
开始 也和时间赛跑了

一片 一望无际的大海
一片 另我失去了去向的大海

让我重新寻找回 方向

成了 我向目标前进的绊脚石
成了 我旅程中一波一波的挑战


可是 在这荆棘重重的大海中
所以 我还是必须继续前进

我不知道… …




我长大了 成了大哥哥了
原来 老天爷已经把任务交给我了

Saturday, July 26, 2008