Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Suffered For Love Such Woe Have I

Suffered for love such woe Have I, that ask not;
Drunk parting’s poison so Have I, that ask not.

Travelled have I the world And now a charmer
Chosen, so sweet of show Have I, that ask not.

After the dust of that Her door for longing,
Eyes on such wises aflow Have I, that ask not.

With this mine ear, from out Her mouth, yest’ reven,
Such sweet words hearkened, lo! Have I, that ask not.

At me why bite the lip, As saying, “ speak not?”
A ruby bitten, know, Have I, that ask not.

Without thee, in my cell Of beggary suffered
Vexations such, heigho! Have I, that ask not.

An exile in the way Of Love, like Hafiz,
Reached such a stage, I throw, Have I, that ask not.

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